The Configuration Manager 2007 R3 Power Insomnia Computer Details report displays a list of computers that did not sleep or hibernate for a specific reason within a specified time period. This report is called by the Power Insomnia report and is not designed to be run directly by the site administrator.

The Power Insomnia report displays computers as Not sleep capable when they are not capable of sleep and have been turned on during the entire specified report interval. The report displays computers as Not hibernate capable when they are not capable of hibernate and have been turned on during the entire specified report interval.

Power management can only collect causes that prevented computers from entering sleep or hibernate from computers running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R3.

Report Parameters

Specify the following required and optional parameters for this report.

Required Parameters for this Report

The following parameters must be specified to run this report.

Parameter Name Description

Collection name

From the drop-down list, select a collection to use for this report.

Report interval (days)

Specify the number of days to report. The default value is 7 days.

Cause of Insomnia

From the drop-down list, select one of the causes that can prevent computers from entering sleep or hibernate.

Hidden Parameters for this Report

This report has no hidden parameters you can set.

Report Links

This report contains links to the following report which provides further information about the selected item:

Report Name Details

Power Computer Details

Click the Click for detailed information link to see the power capabilities, power settings, and applied power plans for the selected computer.

For more information about this report, see About the Power Computer Details Report for Power Management.

See Also