There are many options available for running Configuration Manager 2007 Setup.exe from the command line. These options can be used to test a site's ability to be upgraded, perform an unattended upgrade or site reset, or allow setup to use an initialization file for performing new, unattended installations.

This document describes using command-line options for Setup.exe. For information about using setup initialization files for performing unattended installations, see Unattended Setup Overview.

Setup Command Line Options

Command-Line Option Description


Disables logging of setup actions.


Disables verification of disk space requirement checking.


Performs an unattended upgrade. When using the /UPGRADE command, you must also type the product key, including the dashes, for the Configuration Manager 2007 installation. Additionally, the path to previously downloaded external component files required for Configuration Manager 2007 client installation must be provided. For more information about required external component files, see Prerequisite Component Update Checker. The complete /UPGRADE command line should appear similar to the following:

Setup /UPGRADE xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx <path to external component files>

When using the /UPGRADE command-line option to upgrade an SMS 2003 primary site with the SMS 2003 Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates (ITMU) installed, you should not also use the /HIDDEN or /NOUSERINPUT command-line options. Using these options with the /UPGRADE command-line option might cause the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates upgrade to fail. For more information, see About the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.


Uninstalls the site.


Installs a site, but does not start the Site Component Manager service. This will cause the site to be installed, but not active.


Disables user input, but displays the Setup Wizard interface.


Disables the creation of Configuration Manager default collections except for the All Systems collection.


Enables all client agents.


Performs a site reset by resetting the database and service accounts for the site.


Does not display the Setup Wizard interface. This command-line option should be used with the /SCRIPT option.


Performs testing on the site database to ensure that it is capable of an upgrade. It is recommended that you run this command-line option on a backup of the site database instead of on your production site database itself.


Used to perform unattended installations. A setup initialization file is required when using the /SCRIPT option.


Used for International Client Pack unattended setup.

Prerequisite Check Command Line Options Available When Using Setup.exe from the Command Line

Command-Line Option Description


The command-line option /PREREQ is only used by itself when upgrading existing installations. The machine being checked for prerequisites must already have a primary or secondary site or the SMS 2003 Administrator Console already installed.

/PREREQ /PRI /SQL <SQL Server name or SQL Server named instance name> /SDK <SMS Provider machine name> /MP <FQDN of management point computer>

Used together, these command-line options do the following:

  • Run the prerequisite checker on the computer the command is run on (/PREREQ).

  • Check for primary site installation prerequisites on the computer the /PRI command is run on (/PRI).

  • Check for site database installation prerequisites on the computer name following the /SQL command-line option.

    The SQL Server instance name is required if not using the default instance. When checking for site database installation prerequisites for a SQL Server named instance, the command-line option should be similar to /SQL <machine name>\<instance name>.
  • Check for connectivity between the SMS Provider computer and the SQL Server site database computer (/SDK).

  • Check for management point installation prerequisites on the computer name specified for management point installation following the /MP command-line option. (This is optional.) When using the /MP command line option, the FQDN of the management point computer should be used.


Used together, these command line options will check for secondary site installation prerequisites on the computer the command is run on.


Used together, these command line options will check all secondary child sites of the primary site computer the command is run on for required Setup prerequisites.

When using the All secondary sites option and a failure is encountered when checking a secondary site for required prerequisites, all sites evaluated after the failed site will have a failed value stored in their registry and will be unable to upgrade successfully. If this happens, you can either remediate the failures for the sites that failed the prerequisite checking process and re-run the prerequisite checker to properly set all the registry keys or run the prerequisite checker locally on all secondary sites.


Used together, these command line options will check for Configuration Manager console installation prerequisites on the computer the command is run on.

See Also