This section provides information to help troubleshoot task sequence-initiated operating system deployment issues in Configuration Manager 2007. This content might have been updated. For the most recent version, see
Running 64-bit Custom Task Sequence
Programs Using the Task Sequence Environment Will Fail
A 64-bit custom task sequence program using the task sequence environment variable deployed to a Configuration Manager 2007 client on a 64-bit operating system will fail. This failure occurs when the task sequence program attempts to load the 64-bit task sequence environment COM object because the client is 32-bit even on 64-bit operating systems.
Use a 32-bit custom program to access the task sequence environment. This 32-bit custom program can read the environment variables and write them out to task sequence files. These files can then be read by 64-bit programs.
Task Sequence Fails and There Are No
Policy Assignments When Assigned Management Point Is Running
Replicated Microsoft SQL Server
When you run replicated Microsoft SQL server on a Configuration Manager 2007 management point, task sequences are failing and no policy assignments are available.
When you import a computer entry or create a computer entry using the SDK, wait until the next Microsoft SQL replication time has elapsed before trying to run the task sequence.
Task Sequence Fails Due to Hash
Error Because of Extended Character in File Name
An advertised task sequence can fail if a file name associated with that task sequence package contains extended characters (that is, characters with an umlaut or accent). When a task sequence advertisement is set to “Download content locally when needed by running task sequence,” the extended character in the file name can result in an error. The smsts.log file will state “Hash could not be matched for the downloaded content.” This issue can also affect task sequences not used for operating system deployment.
The issue can be resolved by renaming all files to names without extended characters. This issue can also be resolved by specifying that the task sequence advertisement should download all content locally before running the task sequence. For more information about log files for task sequences, see Log Files for Operating System Deployment. For more information about distributing advertisements for task sequences, see Advertised Task Sequence Properties - Distribution Points Tab.
Task Sequence Fails Because the File
Size Exceeds the 4-Megabyte (MB) Limit
Extremely large task sequences can exceed the 4-MB limit for the task sequence file size. If this limit is exceeded, an error is generated.
To check the task sequence file size, export the task sequence to a known location and check the size of the resulting .xml file.
Task Sequence Always Performs
Certificate Revocation Checking in Native Mode Site
Although it is possible to disable certificate revocation checking for clients in native mode, task sequence actions that require native mode communication will always attempt to access the certificate revocation list (CRL) when Configuration Manager is running a version that is earlier than Service Pack 2. If the CRL cannot be accessed (for example, it is offline or name resolutions fails), the task sequence continues to run but all native mode communication will fail. This includes sending task sequence status messages to the management point. The smsts.log file will display the following entry:
Ensure that the CRL is accessible to native mode clients that run task sequences. If this is not possible, upgrade to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2.