The Software Distribution console tree node is the home page for the software distribution feature in Configuration Manager 2007. It displays a summary of recent software distribution advertisements and contains the Packages and Advertisements subnodes. It is located in the console tree as follows:

System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Distribution / Packages / Advertisements.

The status of advertisements to destination computers is shown in the Software Distribution Status Summary results pane, which displays the 10 most active advertisements for the specified period of the last day, the last 7 days, or the last 30 days. This status is viewable in both table and chart form. The data displayed is updated based on the home page summarization schedule, which is once per hour by default or by manually using the Run Homepage Summarization action.

The chart can be changed by selecting specific advertisements to display. You can also select multiple advertisements or use the Ctrl key to select individual advertisements. Using Ctrl on the last selected advertisement will clear all selections and shows a pie chart.

The 10 most active advertisements are displayed with the following information:

UI Element List

The Software Distribution home page displays data for the 10 most active software distribution advertisements based on a time period that is configured in the Software Distribution Status Summary, which contains the following element:

View the top ten most active advertisements over the period of

Specifies the time period covered by the table and chart summaries for the most active advertisements. The displayed table and chart are automatically refreshed to reflect the time period option chosen.Three options are available when configuring the time period:
  • Last day

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days.

Links and Resources

The Links and Resources section of the Software Distribution home page provides links to Configuration Manager 2007 console items where Software Distribution components can be configured, along with links to common software distribution reports and links to help and external resource information.

The following links and resource information is available:


Provides links to other sections of the Configuration Manager 2007 console where Software Distribution components are configured. The following links are available:
  • Manage Programs: Navigates to the Packages node in the console tree. Expand Packages to view the packages on the site and expand a specific package to add a program or manage existing ones, manage associated distribution points, or set access accounts for the package. For more information, see Packages Property Pages.

  • Advertisements: Navigates to the Advertisements node in the console tree. Right-click Advertisements to create a new advertisement, or right-click a specific advertisement to disable, rerun, or otherwise manage the advertisement. For more information, see Advertisements Property Pages.

  • Manage Maintenance Windows: Navigates to the Collections node in the console tree. Maintenance windows are managed on a per collection basis. Right-click a specific collection, and then click Modify Collection Settings to manage the maintenance windows for that collection.

Web Reports

Provides links to common software distribution Web reports. Click the link to open the specified report.

Provides links to common software distribution resources. Click the link to open the specified resource.

General Actions for the Software Distribution Home Page

The following general actions are available on the Software Distribution home page.

Action Description

Schedule home page summarization

Specifies the schedule for the Software Distribution home page summarization, which is how often the data displayed on the home page is updated with the most recent data in the site database. Configure summarization to occur every x days, hours, or minutes. By default, summarization is scheduled for once per hour.

Run home page summarization

Specifies that the Software Distribution home page summarization occurs as soon as possible. The data displayed on the home page is updated with the most recent data in the site database. The scheduled summarization will still occur on its scheduled interval.

Give feedback

Opens a Configuration Manager 2007 Web site where feedback can be given.


Opens the Customize view dialog box, which allows you to specify which items are displayed in the Configuration Manager 2007 console window.

New windows from here

Opens a new console window using the current node as the root node.


Refreshes the display with the most current information.


Opens the associated help topic.

See Also