If you have sites in a Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy, the child sites automatically receive copies of packages and collections from the parent site, but the child site does not automatically receive the same site settings as the parent site. There are several different ways to make sites have consistent configurations and objects.

For more information about the Export Object Wizard and Import Object Wizard, see How to Use the Export and Import Object Wizards.

You can use the Transfer Site Settings Wizard to transfer settings between the following types of sites:

Settings that do not apply to secondary sites will not be transferred. For example, client agent configuration settings cannot be transferred to secondary sites because secondary sites cannot have clients assigned. Any settings that do not apply to the destination site will be discarded but reported in the wizard summary.

You cannot transfer settings from a Configuration Manager 2007 primary site to an SMS 2003 primary site using the wizard, but you can install the Systems Management Server 2003 Administration Feature Pack and use that to transfer settings between SMS 2003 sites. You cannot transfer settings from an SMS 2003 site to a Configuration Manager 2007 site.

The Transfer Site Settings Wizard has options for transferring settings. If you have network connectivity and you have permissions on both sites, you can transfer settings in realtime between two sites. If the sites are not connected, for example one site is on a lab network and one site is on the production network, or if you do not have permissions, for example if the two sites are in forests with no trust relationship, you can export the settings from one site into an XML file and then import them on the destination site. The wizard also allows you to export the settings while you are transferring them in real-time.

On the Export or Transfer Settings page, you have the option Include the current values for each setting. If you do not have connectivity or permissions to the source site, you must select this option because Configuration Manager 2007 will not be able to transfer the settings in real-time.

To transfer site settings using the wizard

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site code> - <site name>.

  2. Right-click <site code> - <site name> and then click Transfer Site Settings.

    You can also start the wizard by right-clicking the Collections or Packages nodes.
  3. On the Gather Settings page, click Export Settings and Site settings and then click Next.

  4. On the Select Source Site page, select the source site that contains the settings you want and then click Next.

    If both sites are in the same hierarchy and you have permissions, you can run the wizard on either the source or the destination site server. The Connected Site box tells you the site from which you are running the wizard.
  5. On the Select Site Settings page, select the settings you want to transfer and then click Next.

    Not all settings can be transferred. For example, client agent settings cannot be transferred to a secondary site because secondary sites cannot have assigned clients to receive the settings and network discovery is not available as an option. For more information, see Transfer Site Settings Parameters.
  6. On the Destination Site Selection page, select the site to receive the settings and then click Next.

    If you cannot connect to the destination site, click Next. You will see a message telling you that you can only export settings. Click OK to continue to the Export or Transfer settings page.
  7. On the Export or Transfer settings page, select Transfer settings now or Export settings for later use. If you want to export, specify a path and XML file name. Click Next.

  8. On the Summary page, verify the settings and then click Next.

  9. On the Completing Transfer Site Settings Wizard, click Close.

To transfer package and collection properties using the wizard

  1. In the Configuration Manager console navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site code> - <site name>.

  2. Right-click <site code> - <site name> and then click Transfer Site Settings.

  3. On the Gather Settings page, click Export Settings and Package and collection properties and then click Next.

  4. On the Select Package and Collection Source page, select a collection, a package, or both, and then click Next.

  5. On the Select Package and Collection Properties page, select the properties for the objects you selected in the previous step. If you selected only one object, the other properties are disabled. Click Next.

  6. On the Destination Collection and Package Page, select the destination package and collection and then click Next.

  7. On the Export or Transfer settings page, select Transfer settings now or Export settings for later use. If you want to export, specify a path and XML file name. Click Next.

  8. On the Summary page, verify the settings and then click Next.

  9. On the Completing Transfer Site Settings Wizard, click Close.

To import an xml settings file

  1. In the Configuration Manager console navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site code> - <site name>.

  2. Right-click <site code> - <site name> and then click Transfer Site Settings.

  3. On the Gather Settings page, select Import settings and enter the path and filename of an .xml file you have previously exported using this wizard. If you import an .xml file from a site that you cannot connect to from your current site, you are asked to verify that you want to continue. Click OK to proceed or click Cancel to enter a different .xml file. Click Next.

  4. On the Select Source Site page, or the Select Package and Collection source page, select the source site or collection or package that contains the settings you want and then click Next.

  5. On the Select Site Settings page, or the Select Collection and Package properties, select the settings you want to transfer and then click Next.

  6. On the Destination Site Selection page, or the Destination Collection and Package page, select the destination to receive the settings and then click Next.

  7. On the Export or Transfer settings page, select Transfer settings now. Even though you are importing, you can also select Export settings for later use. If you want to export, specify a path and XML file name. Click Next.

  8. On the Summary page, verify the settings and then click Next.

  9. On the Completing Transfer Site Settings Wizard, click Close.

To transfer site settings using the command line

  • From a command prompt, run <ConfigMgrInstallDir>\AdminUI\Bin\Replstcfg.exe For more information, see Transfer Site Settings Command-Line Parameters.


You must have Modify rights to the site to be able to run this tool.

See Also