The following checklist provides the configuration requirements to install Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 client mobile devices when they are assigned to a site that supports Internet-based client management.

Before using this checklist, ensure that the site is configured for Internet-based client management. For more information, see Administrator Checklist: Configuring a Site for Internet-Based Client Management.

Step Reference

Identify the server placement of site systems that support Internet-based client management.

Site System Roles that Support Internet-Based Client Management

Supported Scenarios for Internet-Based Client Management

If you have Configuration Manager mobile device clients that will never connect to your intranet, the following configurations are required. The following values are configured in either ClientSettings.ini or DMCommonInstaller.ini:

  • Specify the FQDN of the Internet-based device management point for the DMServerName value.

  • Specify the FQDN of the Internet-based device management point for the FSPServerName value.

  • Specify SecurityMode=NativeMode.

  • Specify InternetConnected=True.

  • Specify the FQDN in the Subject Name or Subject Alternative Name for the Internet-based device management point's certificate in the CertSubjectName value.

    Mobile devices must connect to the intranet once to enroll a personal certificate if the certification authority issuing personal certificates is not Internet-based.

How to Edit the Mobile Device Client Configuration .ini File

Deploying Certificates to Mobile Device Clients

If you have Configuration Manager mobile devices that will never connect to the Internet-based device management point, install them with the following configuration:

  • Native mode.

  • Assign them to the intranet site.

  • Specify the FQDN or NetBIOS Name of the intranet management point for the DMServerName value.

  • Specify the FQDN of the FSPServerName value.

  • InternetConnected=False.

Specify the FQDN or NetBIOS Name in the Subject Name or Subject Alternative Name for the Intranet-based device management point's SSL certificate in the CertSubjectName value. You can specify different device management point server names in the subject name and subject alternate name fields if you need to specify both a FQDN and a NetBIOS name.

How to Edit the Mobile Device Client Configuration .ini File

Deploying Certificates to Mobile Device Clients

See Also