The Update Lists console tree node in Configuration Manager 2007 displays update lists and the software updates that are defined within the update list. The Update Lists console tree node and sub nodes are located in the console tree as follows:

System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Update Lists

The Update List Wizard is used to create new deployments. For more information, see How to Create an Update List.

Upon clicking the Update Lists console tree node or sub nodes, the Configuration Manager console contains the following elements:

Look for:/Search in:

Filters the contents that are displayed in the results pane based on a keyword in a specific column.
Look for

Looks for text that was entered to filter on. This could be a partial or full text string. Only items that contain the text will be displayed in the results pane. For example, the text English could be entered in the Look for: text box to display only software updates that contain that text in any column.
Search in

Searches a specific column for the text that was entered in the Look for: text box. The default value for this item is All Columns.
Find Now

Initiates the filter.

Clears the filter and displays all possible results.

The following sections describe the Update Lists console tree node and sub nodes.

Update Lists

The Update Lists console tree node in Configuration Manager 2007, when highlighted, displays the following information about each update list:

  • Name: Specifies the name of the update list.

  • Last Modified: Specifies the date when the update list was last modified.

  • Modified By: Specifies the user account that was logged on when the update list was last modified.

  • Source Site: Specifies the site where the update list was created.

Update List Name

The update list name console tree nodes display the software updates that are defined in the update list. The properties for the software updates can be modified and updates can be removed from the update list at this location. To add software updates to an update list, see How to Add Software Updates to an Update List. The following information is displayed for each software update that is in the deployment package:

  • Bulletin ID: Specifies the bulletin ID associated with security software updates. Security bulletin details can be found by searching on the bulletin ID at the Microsoft Security Bulletin Search Web page (

  • Article ID: Specifies the article ID associated with the software update. The article contains detailed information about the software update.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the software update.

  • Language: Specifies the supported language for the software update.

  • % Compliant: Lists the percentage of clients on which the software update is installed or not required over the total number of clients in the All Systems Collection.

  • Installed: Specifies the number of systems that have installed the software update.

  • Required: Specifies the number of systems that need the software update or where the status is unknown.

  • Not Required: Specifies the number of systems that do not need the software update.

  • Unknown: Specifies the number of systems in which the software update state is unknown.

  • Total: Specifies the total number of clients that are in the All Systems collection.

  • Severity: Specifies the predefined Vendor severity rating for the software update. The severity can range from low to critical and cannot be modified.

  • License Terms: Specifies whether the software update has an associated Microsoft Software License Terms (License Terms), and if so, whether it is required or has already been accepted. The License Terms Wizard appears before opening the Deploy Software Updates Wizard when deploying software updates with a Required value in this column.

  • Deployed: Specifies whether the software update has been deployed to clients.

  • NAP Evaluation: Specifies whether the software update is included in a NAP mandatory evaluation.

  • Downloaded: Specifies whether the software update was downloaded.

  • Custom Severity: Specifies the custom severity that was configured for the software update. The custom severity value can be Critical, Important, Moderate, Low, or blank. By default, the value is left blank.

  • Date Released: Specifies the date that the software update was released.

  • Date Revised: Specifies the date that the software update was last modified.

  • Deployable to SMS 2003: Specifies whether the software update can be deployed to SMS 2003 clients.

  • Exclusive Handling Required: Specifies whether the software update must be installed independent of other updates.

  • Expired: Specifies whether the software update has expired. Expired software updates are not available for deployment.

  • Superseded: Specifies whether the software update is superseded by another update. This setting displays Yes when another update must be installed prior to the client installing this update.

Upon clicking one of the update list name console tree nodes, the software updates are displayed and the Configuration Manager console contains the following additional elements:

UI Element List

Update Details tab

Specifies summary information about the software update. The Update Details tab is visible when a software update is highlighted and displays the following information:
  • Bulletin ID: Specifies the bulletin ID associated with security software updates. Security bulletin details can be found by searching on the bulletin ID at Microsoft Security Bulletin Search Web page (

  • Article ID: Specifies the article ID associated with the software update. The article contains detailed information about the software update.

  • Date Revised: Specifies the date that the software update was last modified.

  • Maximum severity rating: Specifies the vendor-defined severity rating for the software update.

  • Description: Presents an overview of why the software update should be installed and which condition it fixes.

  • Applicable Languages: Specifies the supported languages for the software update.

  • Affected Products: Specifies the products that are affected by the software update.

When more than one software update is selected, the Update Results pane does not display.
Deployment Status tab

Visible after a software update is highlighted and, based on the collections targeted, displays the following deployment status information:
  • Deployment Name: Specifies the name of the software update deployment. This is the default sort order.

  • Targeted: Specifies the number of systems in the target collection for the deployment.

  • Installed: Specifies the number of systems that have installed the software update.

  • Not required: Specifies the number of systems that do not require the software update.

  • Required: Specifies the number of systems that require the software update.

  • Unknown: Specifies the number of systems in which the software update state is unknown.

  • Assignment Unique ID: Specifies a unique ID for the deployment.

When more than one software update is selected, the Deployment Status tab does not display.
Content Information

Visible after a software update is highlighted and displays the following content information associated with the update:
  • Content ID: Specifies the content ID for the software update.

  • Downloaded: Specifies whether the software update binaries have been downloaded.

  • Affected Language: Specifies the language for the software update.

  • Bin Path: Specifies the path to the software update binaries.

  • Size (Mb): Specifies the size of the software update binaries.

When more than one software update is selected, the Deployment Status tab does not display.
Supersedence Information

Visible after a software update is highlighted and displays the following information about the supersedence of the update:
  • This update has been superseded by the following updates: Specifies the software updates that supersede this update, which means the updates listed are newer, and in most cases, should be deployed instead of this update. The software updates that are listed contain a hyperlink to the Web page that provides more information about the update. When this update is not superseded, None displays.

  • This update supersedes the following updates: Specifies what software updates have been superseded by this update, which means this update is newer, and in most cases, should be deployed to replace the outdated updates. The software updates that are listed contain a hyperlink to the Web page that provides more information about the update. When this update is not superseded, None displays.

Actions for the Update Lists Nodes

Different actions are available depending on where you are in the console tree. The following table lists the general and specific actions for the Update Lists console tree node and sub nodes.

General Actions

The following actions are available on several Update Lists console tree nodes.

Action Description

Give Feedback

Opens a Configuration Manager 2007 Web site where feedback can be given.


Provides the following view options:

  • Add/Remove columns: Specifies which columns display in the results pane. Select the column name from the Available columns window, and click Add to add the column to the displayed columns. Select the column name from the Displayed columns window, and click Remove to remove the columns from the displayed columns. Click Restore Defaults to display the default columns. Click OK to save changes.

  • Export list: Exports the data in the results pane to a Text or Unicode Text file that is tab or comma delimited.

  • Hide search bar: Specifies to hide the search bar located above the results pane.

Customize: Specifies which items are displayed in the Configuration Manager 2007 console window.

New Windows from Here

Opens a new console window using the current node as the root node.


Refreshes the display with the most current information.


Opens the associated help topic.

Update Lists

The following actions are available from the Update Lists console tree node.

Action Description


Opens the Update Lists Properties dialog box where class security rights can be set on the object.

Update list name

The following actions are available from the update lists displayed in the console.

Action Description

Deploy Software Updates

Opens the Deploy Software Updates Wizard to create a deployment for the software updates in one or more specified update lists.

Download Software Updates

Opens the Download Updates Wizard to download the source files for the software updates in one or more specified update lists.


Removes the specified update lists.

Deleting an update list that was used to create a deployment does not impact the deployment.


Opens the Update List Name Properties dialog box for the selected update list where the update list name, description, and security settings can be configured.

The following actions are also available by using the drag-and-drop functionality. One or more update lists can be dragged and dropped onto an existing deployment or deployment template.

Name Description

Drag-and-drop an update list onto a deployment template

Opens the Deploy Software Updates Wizard to create a deployment, using the selected template, for the software updates defined in the update list.

The deployment template might need to be refreshed before this action is allowed.

Drag-and-drop a software update onto a deployment

Opens the Deploy Software Updates Wizard to create a deployment for the software updates defined in the update list.

See Also