Software updates to be included in Configuration Manager 2007 Network Access Protection (NAP) evaluation are not necessarily evaluated as soon as the client receives the Configuration Manager NAP policy, but at the effective date configured in the policy. The effective date is the time the NAP policy actually becomes active, and can be configured for "As soon as possible" or a specified date and time.

On the effective date, the client will include the selected software update when evaluating its statement of health. The effective date is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

You can set the effective date in the following places:

To configure the effective date when creating a Configuration Manager NAP policy with the New Policies Wizard:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Network Access Protection / Policies.

  2. Right-click Policies, and then click New Policies to launch the New Policies Wizard.

  3. Select the software updates you want to include in the NAP policy, and then click Next.

  4. Configure the effective date either by selecting As soon as possible or selecting Date and time and specifying the date and time that the policy will become effective.

  5. Click Finish, and then click Close.

To configure the effective date when creating a software update deployment with the Deploy Software Update Wizard:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Update Repository.

  2. Select the software updates you want to deploy, right-click, and select Deploy Software Updates to launch the Deploy Software Update Wizard. For more information about finding software updates in the Configuration Manager console, see How to Find Software Updates in Configuration Manager.

  3. Select the options you want to create for your software update deployment, and click Next until you come to the page Set NAP Evaluation.

  4. Click Enable NAP evaluation, and then configure the effective date either by selecting As soon as possible or selecting Date and time and specifying the date and time that the policy will become effective.

  5. Click Next, Finish, and Close to complete the wizard.

To configure the effective date by modifying a Configuration Manager NAP policy:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Network Access Protection / Policies.

  2. Right-click the NAP policy that contains the effective date you want to change, and then click Properties.

  3. On the General tab, modify the effective date either by selecting As soon as possible or selecting Date and time and specifying the date and time that the policy will become effective.

  4. Click OK.

To configure the effective date by modifying a software update in the Update Repository:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Update Repository.

  2. Find the software update that has been configured for NAP evaluation, right-click, and then click Properties.

  3. On the NAP Evaluation tab, modify the effective date either by selecting As soon as possible or selecting Date and time and specifying the date and time that the policy will become effective.

  4. Click OK.

To configure the effective date by modifying a software update in a deployment package:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Deployment Packages / <deployment package name> / Software Updates.

  2. Right-click the software update that has been configured for NAP evaluation and that you want to change the effective date for, and then click Properties.

  3. On the NAP Evaluation tab, modify the effective date either by selecting As soon as possible or selecting Date and time and specifying the date and time that the policy will become effective.

  4. Click OK.

To configure the effective date by modifying a software update in a software update deployment:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Deployment Management / <deployment name> / Software Updates.

  2. Right-click the software update that has been configured for NAP evaluation and that you want to change the effective date for, and then click Properties.

  3. On the NAP Evaluation tab, modify the effective date either by selecting As soon as possible or selecting Date and time and specifying the date and time that the policy will become effective.

  4. Click OK.

See Also