Search folders in Configuration Manager 2007 provide an easy way to retrieve a set of software updates that meet the defined search criteria. Search folders created at a parent site are replicated down the hierarchy. The properties for replicated search folders cannot be modified at child sites, but unlike other objects in Configuration Manager, search folder objects at child sites do not display with a lock symbol. Use the following procedure to create a search folder for software updates.

To create a search folder for software updates

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Update Repository / Search Folders.

  2. Right-click Search Folders, and then click New Search Folder.

  3. Specify one or more of the following object properties to search:

    • Article ID: Specifies the article ID associated with the software update.

    • Bulletin ID: Specifies the bulletin ID associated with security software updates. Security bulletin details can be found by searching on the bulletin ID at the Microsoft Security Bulletin Search Web page (

    • Bundle Update: Specifies whether the software update is bundled with other updates.

    • Custom Severity: Specifies the user-defined severity value for software updates. The custom severity values can be Low, Moderate, Important, Critical, or null.

    • Date Released: Specifies the date that the software update was released.

    • Date Revised: Specifies the date that the software update was last modified.

    • Deployable: Specifies whether the software update can be deployed to client computers.

    • Deployable to SMS 2003: Specifies whether the software update can be deployed to SMS 2003 clients.

    • Deployed: Specifies whether the software update is part of a deployment.

    • Description: Specifies the description for the software update.

    • Downloaded: Specifies whether the software update has been downloaded.

    • Effective Date: Specifies whether the software update is included in the NAP policy, which becomes effective on NAP-capable clients on the specified date and time.

    • Exclusive Handling Required: Specifies whether the software update must be installed independent from other updates.

    • Expired: Specifies whether the software update has expired. Expired software updates are not available for deployment.

    • Information URL: Specifies the URL location for more information about the software update. This setting will rarely be used as search criteria.

    • Installed: Specifies the number of systems that have installed the software update and no longer require it. This setting will rarely be used as search criteria.

    • Not Required: Specifies the number of systems that do not require the software update. This setting will rarely be used as search criteria.

    • Product: Specifies the product associated with the software update.

    • Required: Specifies the number of systems that require the software update. This setting will rarely be used as search criteria.

    • Severity: Specifies the predefined Vendor severity rating for the software update. The severity values can be Low, Moderate, Important, or Critical.

    • Superseded: Specifies whether the software update is superseded by another update.

    • Title: Specifies the title for the software update.

    • Total: Specifies the total number of clients that are in the All Systems collection. This setting will rarely be used as search criteria.

    • Unique Update ID: Specifies the unique ID for the software update.

    • Unknown: Specifies the number of systems in which the software update state is unknown. This setting will rarely be used as search criteria.

    • Update Classification: Specifies the classification for the software update.

    • Vendor: Specifies the vendor that created the software update.

  4. Specify the search criteria for the object property by clicking the underlined property in the Step 2: Edit the property's search criteria window.

  5. Click Search all folders under this feature.

  6. Specify the name of the search folder, and then click OK.

See Also