The non-compliance severity level in Configuration Manager 2007 produces Windows application event messages on non-compliant client computers and sends non-compliance information to the Configuration Manager site in status messages.

You can use these status messages in Configuration Manager 2007 to filter on non-compliance results using the following procedures.

To use the non-compliance severity level in Configuration Manager 2007

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Desired Configuration Management and use the Choose Minimum Severity drop-down list. For example, to see all configuration baselines that are defined, select Information - no Windows event messages. To see configuration baselines that have reported a non-compliance evaluation of Information or Warning, but not Critical, select Warning.

  2. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Reporting / Reports and right-click the report Summary compliance by configuration item. In the Report Information page, you can filter the results of the report by specifying Minimum Severity before clicking Display.

  3. Define a query to automatically populate a collection for software distribution with client computers reporting a non-compliant status for an application configuration item. You can refine the query by defining the minimum severity level so that, for example, only non-compliant client computers that report a minimum severity level of Error are sent the software distribution through a mandatory advertisement.

See Also