Topic Last Updated—August 2008
This section provides information about troubleshooting issues with the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates in Configuration Manager 2007.
Software Updates Fail to Deploy
Because the Microsoft Update Catalog Fails to Synchronize
During the June 10, 2008 release of the Microsoft Update catalog, additional metadata that is associated with Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 1 was added to the file. The catalog synchronization process (UpdateWUSCatalog.exe) was not designed to handle the specific changes, and as a result, synchronization for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates fails and the latest updates are not available to Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 clients.
Possible Solution
To resolve this issue, you must install an update to the UpdateWUSCatalog.exe file that accommodates the new metadata. The update must be installed on the Configuration Manager site server, and then catalog synchronization must be manually run before Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 clients using the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates will successfully scan for software updates. The update is available and described in Knowledge Base article 954474 (
Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates
Setup Fails to Install During Silent Mode Site Server
During the SMS 2003 site upgrade to Configuration Manager 2007, Setup detects whether a previous version of the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates is installed on the site and verifies that another installation of the tool is not installed on a site higher in the hierarchy. If both conditions are true, Setup initiates an upgrade for the inventory tool on the site server. During the installation, you can specify whether to download the latest Microsoft Update catalog from the Internet or from a local location.
When a site server is upgraded in silent mode (using the /UPGRADE, /HIDDEN, and /NOUSERINPUT command-line options), the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates Setup also runs in silent mode. During the inventory tool upgrade, Setup will automatically download the latest Microsoft Update catalog from the Internet. If the site server cannot access the Internet, the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates upgrade fails.
Possible Solution
When the site server has been installed in silent mode and the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates upgrade fails, run Setup again manually. When the site server cannot access the Internet, copy the latest Microsoft Update catalog to a location accessible from the site server and then, during the installation, specify the local path to the Microsoft Update catalog. You can download the latest Microsoft Update Catalog from the Microsoft Update Web site ( For more information about the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates installation, see How to Install and Configure the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.
Expired Software Updates Cannot Be
Removed from a Deployment
After the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates is removed from the hierarchy, the software updates metadata specific to the tool will be set to an expired state. When there are active deployments that deploy software updates to SMS 2003 clients, the software updates in the deployment will appear as expired, but they cannot be removed. The deployment will continue to work for the valid software updates, but the deployment will be displayed with a gray icon indicating that there are expired updates in the deployment.
Possible Solution
To prevent this issue, clear the Deploy software updates to SMS 2003 clients setting in the properties for all active deployments before removing the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.