Use this tab to view the selected Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 site's properties and to add, change, or remove its parent site, which reconfigures your site hierarchy.
- Comment
- Optional comments that describe the site.
- Type
- Either Primary or Secondary, indicating whether the current site is a primary site or a secondary site.
- Version
- The version of Configuration Manager 2007 that is running. The format is <major version number>.<minor version number>.<build number>.<hotfix number>
- R2 Installed
- Indicates whether the current site is running Configuration
Manager 2007 R2.
Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 or later.
- R3 Installed
- Indicates whether the current site is running Configuration
Manager 2007 R3.
Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R3.
- Build number
- The build number of Configuration Manager 2007 that is running. The build number can be helpful in diagnosing problems and creating workarounds.
- Site server
- The name of the computer running the Configuration Manager 2007 site software.
- SQL Server
- The name of the computer running Microsoft SQL Server that is hosting the site database.
- SMS Provider location
- The name of the computer that the SMS Provider is installed on.
- Installation directory
- The folder that contains Configuration Manager 2007 files on the site server.
- Parent site
- The current site's parent site. If the current site is a central site, this field contains None.If this site has no parent site, it is considered a central site, even if it has no child sites, which is also called a stand-alone site.
- Set Parent Site
- Opens the Set Parent Site dialog box, which enables you to add, change, or remove the parent site of the current site. When you change a site's parent, you reconfigure the site hierarchy.