Use this tab to view the selected Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 site's properties and to add, change, or remove its parent site, which reconfigures your site hierarchy.


Optional comments that describe the site.

Either Primary or Secondary, indicating whether the current site is a primary site or a secondary site.

The version of Configuration Manager 2007 that is running. The format is <major version number>.<minor version number>.<build number>.<hotfix number>
R2 Installed

Indicates whether the current site is running Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 or later.
R3 Installed

Indicates whether the current site is running Configuration Manager 2007 R3.
Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R3.
Build number

The build number of Configuration Manager 2007 that is running. The build number can be helpful in diagnosing problems and creating workarounds.
Site server

The name of the computer running the Configuration Manager 2007 site software.
SQL Server

The name of the computer running Microsoft SQL Server that is hosting the site database.
SMS Provider location

The name of the computer that the SMS Provider is installed on.
Installation directory

The folder that contains Configuration Manager 2007 files on the site server.
Parent site

The current site's parent site. If the current site is a central site, this field contains None.If this site has no parent site, it is considered a central site, even if it has no child sites, which is also called a stand-alone site.
Set Parent Site

Opens the Set Parent Site dialog box, which enables you to add, change, or remove the parent site of the current site. When you change a site's parent, you reconfigure the site hierarchy.

See Also