Status Filter Rule Properties Dialog Box: Actions Tab

Use this tab to specify the actions taken when a status message matches the criteria specified in the General tab.

Write to the SMS database
Writes the status message to the SMS site database.
Keep messages for
Specifies the number of days to keep the status message in the SMS site database. The default is 7. (This counter is enabled only when Write to the SMS database is selected.)
Report to the Windows NT Event Log
Writes the status message to the Windows NT Event Log.
Replicate to the parent site
Passes the message up to the parent site.
Replication priority
Low, medium, or high. (For more information, see About Data Priorities.)
Run a program
Runs a program.
The command line to execute. The maximum length is 1024 single-byte characters. All characters are allowed except ASCII control characters (such as NUL). (This field is enabled only when Run a program is selected.)
Do not forward to status summarizers
Prevents the message from being forwarded to any status summarizer.
Do not process lower-priority status filter rules
Stops evaluation at this filter rule. When a status message matches this rule, rules below it in the details pane (of Status Filter Rules) are not evaluated.

Other tabs in this dialog box: General

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