NetWare Bindery Logon Client Installation Properties Dialog Box: Logon Settings Tab

Use this tab to enable this installation method by modifying login scripts.

Modify login scripts
Modifies system login scripts to contain SMS commands. The system login script is Sys\Public\Net$log.dat.

Note  This installation method will not work unless Modify login scripts is selected.

Location to insert script changes
Choose whether you want the SMS commands inserted at the top or bottom of the system login script.
Top of existing script
Inserts the SMS commands at the beginning of the login script. The SMS commands will be run before the other commands in the file.
Bottom of existing script
Inserts the SMS commands at the end of the login script. The SMS commands will be run after the other commands in the file.
Logon point update schedule
Specify how often system login scripts are updated on logon points. Once per day is recommended.
Update every
The update interval for login scripts on logon points. For example, every 2 hours. The default is 1 day.

Note    Any changes made to the settings in this tab are also made in the Logon Settings tab of the NetWare Bindery Logon Discovery Properties dialog box.

Other tabs in this dialog box: General

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Configure NetWare Bindery Logon Client Installation

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