Public Properties

  Name Description
public property BooleanArrayValue Gets or sets a Boolean array value.
public property BooleanValue Gets or sets a Boolean value.
public property ByteArrayValue Gets or sets a byte array value.
public property CheckStateValue Gets or sets a check state value.
public property CombinedStringValue Gets a combined string value.
public property DataType Gets the data type for the property items.
public property DateTimeArrayValue Gets or sets a date time array value.
public property DateTimeValue Gets or sets a date time value.
public property IntegerArrayValue Gets or sets an integer array value.
public property IntegerValue Gets or sets an integer value.
public property IsArray Gets a value that indicates whether the property items are presented as an array.
public property LongValue Gets or sets a long value.
public property ObjectArrayValue Gets or sets an object array value.
public property ObjectValue Gets or sets an object value.
public property PropertyName  Gets or sets the name of a result object property. (inherited from QueryPropertyItemBase )
public property QualifierNames Gets the qualifier names for the property items.
public property ResultObjects Gets the result objects for the property items.
public property StringArrayValue Gets or sets a string array value.
public property StringValue Gets or sets a string value.
public property TimeSpanValue Gets or sets a time span value.
public property TimeValue Gets or sets a time value.

See Also

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