Public Properties

  Name Description
public property AsyncOperation Gets or sets the asynchronous operation.
public property Cancelled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the AsyncOperationDatabase object is canceled.
public property CancelPending Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a cancelation is pending.
public property ContextInformation Gets or sets the context information for the asynchronous operation.
public property QueryEnded Gets or sets a manual reset event that indicates whether the query has ended.
public property QueryItem Gets or sets the query item for the asynchronous operation.
public property QueryString Gets or sets the query string.
public property QueryTimer Gets the query timer for the asynchronous operation.
public property SmsNodeDescription Gets or sets the Configuration Manager console node description for the asynchronous operation.
public property SmsPaneItemDescription Gets or sets the Configuration Manager console pane item that supports the asynchronous operation.

See Also

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