Public Properties

  Name Description
public property DisplayDescription Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the request status bar of Microsoft Management Console for the root node description.
public property DisplayName Gets or sets the name of the root node description, as displayed in Microsoft Management Console, for example, "ClientAgentsNode".
public property ExpandImmediate Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Configuration Manager console should perform next-level expansion.
public property ExternalExtensionsAdded Gets or sets a value that indicates whether external extensions are added to the root node description. This property supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public property FolderDescription Gets or sets the folder description for the root node description.
public property FolderEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the folder actions are enabled.
public property HelpTopic Gets or sets the Help topic that is launched by the console when the user selects Help.
public property MatchPattern Gets or sets a regular expression that is executed against the value of the MatchValueToTest property to determine when the root node is displayed.
public property MatchValueToTest Gets or sets a regular expression that is executed against the value of the MatchPattern property to determine when the root node is displayed.
public property NamespaceGuid Gets or sets the GUID of the created root node, for example, "b9d5eb40-ba4a-4959-90a4-bca17f547148".
public property NodeId Gets or sets the node identifier for the root node, for example, "ClientAgentsNode". This property supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public property RootClass Gets or sets the name of the class for the root node.
public property SqmDataPoint Gets or sets a Software Quality Matrix (SQM) data point value that is used to report information to SQM. This property supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

See Also

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