Class |
Description |
Represents a summary description for an
ActionDescription XML element that defines the action type
and other information that is used by the Configuration Manager
2007 console to display an action. |
Represents the properties of an object that result in display
of the corresponding menu item in Configuration Manager 2007. This
property supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is
not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Represents a summary description for an
ActionSecurityDescription XML element that defines security
requirements for a Configuration Manager 2007 console action. |
Represents the XML nodes for the Configuration Manager 2007
console. The nodes are summarized in the
ConsoleNodesRootDescription XML element in the Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole
namespace XML. |
Represents summary information for one assembly and type that
is referenced by using an Assembly XML element, part of a
ViewAssemblyDescription XML element in Configuration Manager
2007. |
Represents a summary description for a
ConsoleRootDescription XML element that defines information
about the topmost nodes in the Configuration Manager 2007 console.
One or more console root description blocks are provided in a
ConsoleRootObjects XML element. |
Represents summary information for an Executable XML
element that is needed to execute an assembly method when the
Configuration Manager console user selects an action. |
Represents summary information for a FolderDescription
XML element that shows folder functionality within a single
Configuration Manager 2007 console node. |
Represents summary information for a single management class in
Configuration Manager 2007 that is indicated by a
ManagementClassDescription XML element. An example of a
management class is SMS_Advertisement
Server WMI Class. |
Represents summary information for a collection of
ManagementClassDescription objects in Configuration Manager
2007, indicated by a ManagementClassDescriptions XML
element. |
Represents summary information for a property of a single
ManagementClassDescription object, in Configuration Manager
2007, indicated by a ManagementClassPropertyDescription XML
element. |
Represents summary information for a Configuration Manager 2007
console node, consisting of a scope pane and a results pane. The
console node is indicated by a NodeDescription XML
element. |
Represents summary information for building and defining the
images that are used in the Configuration Manager 2007 console.
This information is indicated by an ImagesDescription XML
element. |
Represents summary information for a nodes root in
Configuration Manager 2007, indicated by a
NodesRootDescription XML element. |
Supports the default information that is needed for
ResultPaneItemDescription and
ScopePaneItemDescription objects in Configuration Manager
2007. |
Summary description for a query, represented by a
QueryDescription XML element. |
Represents the detail that is needed to launch a report in
Configuration Manager 2007. |
Represents a single results pane, indicated by a
ResultPaneItemDescription XML element. Basics for the pane
are represented by the
PaneItemDescriptionBase class in Configuration Manager
2007. |
Represents a summary description for a single root node in
Configuration Manager 2007, represented by a
RootNodeDescription XML element. |
Represents a single scope pane, indicated by a
ScopePaneItemDescription XML element. Basics for the pane
are represented by the PaneItemDescriptionBase class in
Configuration Manager 2007. |
Represents information that is used to generate the output of a
search folder. This class supports the Configuration Manager 2007
infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your
code. |
Represents a time span that is used to build search folder
queries in Configuration Manager 2007. |
Represents a search folder description item for search criteria
in Configuration Manager 2007. |
Represents a search folder description item for search
criteria, in Configuration Manager 2007 that should be used as it
is, in an unprocessed form. |
Represents security information that is required to enable an
operation is Configuration Manager 2007. The information is
represented by a SecurityDescription XML element. |
Manages the information for a single secured class, in
Configuration Manager 2007, using a
securityDetailsClassDescription XML element. |
Contains the information for a single security flag, in
Configuration Manager 2007, indicated by a
SecurityFlagsDetailDescription XML element. |
Manages instance class permissions, for example, those for an
action class in Configuration Manager 2007. The
SecurityInstanceClassDescription XML element is used to
represent this class. |
Information detailing the operational characteristics of a
single view assembly, in Configuration Manager 2007, represented by
a ViewAssemblyDescription XML element. |