Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ActionClassSetting Gets or sets an ActionDescription.ActionClass enumeration value that indicates the action class setting.
public property DialogId Gets or sets the identifier of the dialog box XML file to load when the class setting associated with the action is "ShowDialog".
public property DisplayDescription Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the status bar for the action description.
public property DisplayName Gets or sets the display name for the action.
public property GroupAsRegion Gets or sets a value that indicates whether actions should be grouped as a region.
public property InstanceDependsOn Gets or sets the name of the secured class, for example, SMS_Driver Server WMI Class, on which the ActionDescription object depends.
public property IsExternalAction Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the action is external.
public property MatchPattern Gets or sets a value that is run against the MatchValueToTest property to determine when the action is operational.
public property MatchValueToTest Gets or sets a regular expression that is run against the MatchPattern property to determine when the action is operational.
public property MnemonicDisplayName Gets or sets the mnemonic display string for the action.
public property MultipleSelectDeleteMessage Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the warning message for multiple-selection delete operations.
public property MultipleSelectionSet Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the action can handle multiple selections with more than one type of class in the selection set.
public property ReferenceClass Gets or sets the name of the class that corresponds to the value of the ReferenceProperty property when the action is set to "Default" for the ActionClassSetting property.
public property ReferenceDescription Gets or sets the reference description, which is format information that is used to display the action.
public property ReferenceProperty Gets or sets a property of the result object to use to retrieve the class of a management object when the action is set to "Default".
public property RefreshNotRequired Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the framework does not need to call a Get method to perform a refresh before completing the action.
public property SqmDataPoint Gets or sets a Software Quality Matrix (SQM) data point value that is used to report information to SQM. This property supports the Configuration Manager 2007 infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public property StandardVerb Gets or sets an ActionDescription.StandardAction enumeration value that indicates the standard action verb that is associated with the action.
public property SupportedSelectionMode Gets or sets an ActionDescription.SelectionType enumeration value that represents the supported selection mode for the action.
public property SynchronousAction Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the action should be processed synchronously.
public property ValidInSearchFolder Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the action is valid in the search folder.

See Also

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