Public Methods (see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (inherited from Object )
public method static ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
public method ShouldSerializeactions  Determines whether the actions field should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (inherited from PaneItemDescriptionBase )
public method ShouldSerializeDescription  Determines whether the Description property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (inherited from PaneItemDescriptionBase )
public method ShouldSerializeNamespaceGuid  Determines whether the NamespaceGuid property should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (inherited from PaneItemDescriptionBase )
public method ShouldSerializequeries  Determines whether the queries field should be serialized. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (inherited from PaneItemDescriptionBase )
public method ToString  (inherited from Object )

Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )

See Also

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