Public Fields

  Name Description
public field childNodes Indicates a System.Collections.Generic.List object that represents RootNodeDescription objects for the child nodes that appear under this node.
public field globalRootActions Indicates a System.Collections.Generic.List object that represents ActionDescription objects for actions shown in this root node.
public field imagesDescription Indicates where the icon resources for this node should be retrieved from. The icon resource information is stored in a NodeImagesDescription object.
public field nodeAssemblyDescription Indicates the AssemblyDescription object that is associated with the root node. It can be used by developers who want to override the Configuration Manager 2007 implementation with their own.
public field relativeNodes Indicates a System.Collections.Generic.List object that represents RootNodeDescription objects for the relative nodes of the root node.
public field resourceAssembly Indicates where the string resources should be retrieved for this node. The string resource assembly, type, and name is stored in an AssemblyDescription object.
public field restrictedClipboardFormats Indicates a System.Collections.Generic.List object that represents strings for the restricted clipboard formats that this node accepts.
public field rootNodeDescriptions Indicates a System.Collections.Generic.List object that represents NodeDescription objects for the nodes in the root node.
public field unrestrictedClipboardFormats Indicates the clipboard formats that this node can accept when the drag source is a separate running Configuration Manager 2007 console. The allowable clipboard formats are stored in a System.Collections.Generic.List object.
public field viewAssemblyDescription Indicates the view to be displayed when the node is active. The view assembly description is stored in a System.Collections.Generic.List object that represents ViewAssemblyDescription objects.

See Also

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