This section describes the Client Configuration Manager (CCM) framework and data transfer classes in Configuration Manager 2007 for the client.

In This Section

CCM_Message_TransferStatus Client WMI Class

Used by the messaging system to track the status of messages that are being uploaded or downloaded.
CCM_Messaging_Configuration Client WMI Class

Supports messaging-related settings that are exposed to administrators.
CCM_Service_BITSConfiguration Client WMI Class

Supports Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)-related settings used by CCMEXEC for uploading and downloading message payloads.
CCM_Service_EndpointConfiguration Client WMI Class

Supports endpoint configuration for the CCMEXEC service.
CCM_Service_GlobalConfiguration Client WMI Class

Supports global configuration for the CCMEXEC service.
CCM_Service_HostedClass Client WMI Class

Configures a COM class to be hosted in the CCMEXEC service.
CCM_Service_IISConfiguration Client WMI Class

Supports Internet Information Services (IIS)-related settings used by CCMEXEC for staging and receiving message payloads.
CCM_Service_SystemTaskConfiguration Client WMI Class

Supports system task configuration for the CCMEXEC service.
SMS_Authority Client WMI Class

Represents the client authority that manages the client.
SMS_Client Client WMI Class

Represents the client and facilitates manipulation and retrieval of client information.
SMS_LocalMP Client WMI Class

Represents the local management point.
SMS_MPProxyInformation Client WMI Class

Represents information about a proxy management point.
SMS_PendingReRegistrationOnSiteReAssignment Client WMI Class

Represents a pending re-registration at the time of site reassignment.

See Also

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