In Configuration Manager 2007, the ClientAgentSettings class allows you to get various client agent settings. These settings can be set by using the client agent settings dialog box in the Configuration Manager console.


IClientAgentSettings::BrandingTitle Property

Indicates the branding title.
IClientAgentSettings::DayReminderInterval Property

Indicates the day reminder interval.
IClientAgentSettings::DisplayNewProgramNotification Property

Indicates the new program notification.
IClientAgentSettings::HourReminderInterval Property

Indicates the hour reminder interval.
IClientAgentSettings::OSDBrandingSubtitle Property

Indicates the operating system deployment branding subtitle.
IClientAgentSettings::ReminderInterval Property

Indicates the reminder interval
IClientAgentSettings::SUMBrandingSubtitle Property

Indicates the software update branding subtitle.
IClientAgentSettings::SWDBrandingSubtitle Property

Indicates the software distribution branding subtitle.



Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also

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