This section describes the classes used, in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, to manage policy on client computers and devices.

In This Section

CCM_Policy Client WMI Class

Represents a client policy.
CCM_Policy_Action Client WMI Class

Represents settings for a policy action.
CCM_Policy_ActionHandlerRegistration Client WMI Class

Represents an action handler registration for a policy.
CCM_Policy_Assignment Client WMI Class

Represents a policy assignment.
CCM_Policy_AuthorityData Client WMI Class

Stores information about policy from a particular authority.
CCM_Policy_Condition Client WMI Class

Represents a policy condition.
CCM_Policy_Config Client WMI Class

Represents a policy configuration used by the Policy Agent that needs to be replicated.
CCM_Policy_EmbeddedObject Client WMI Class

Represents a policy setting embedded object.
CCM_Policy_Expression Client WMI Class

Represents a policy expression that evaluates to either true or false.
CCM_Policy_ExpressionHandlerRegistration Client WMI Class

Describes a registered expression handler for a policy.
CCM_Policy_Operator Client WMI Class

Stores a compound expression that evaluates to either true or false.
CCM_Policy_Policy Client WMI Class

Defines a policy object for a client policy.
CCM_Policy_Rule Client WMI Class

Defines a policy object rule.
CCM_PolicyAgent_Configuration Client WMI Class

Represents the Policy Agent configuration for a given authority.

See Also

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