The ISmsMessage::GetBodyLength method, in Configuration Manager, gets the length of the message body.
[IDL] HRESULT GetBodyLength( ULONG* pulLen ); |
- pulLen
- Data type: ULONGQualifiers: [out]Pointer to the length, in bytes, of the message body.
Return Values
An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following:
- S_OK
- The method succeeded.
When retrieving the binary contents of the message body, your application calls this method to get the body length. It can then allocate a sufficient buffer to receive the body and then pass the buffer in a call to ISmsMessage::GetBodyToBuffer Method to copy the body contents. If the body is known to be a Unicode string, the ISmsMessage::GetBodyToString Method method can be used instead to retrieve the contents in one call.
See Also
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