The ISmsMessage interface, in Configuration Manager, represents a management point interface message. In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, ISmsMessage exposes the methods described below.

In This Section

ISmsMessage::GetAttachmentByIndex Method

Gets a message attachment by index.
ISmsMessage::GetAttachmentByName Method

Gets a message attachment by name.
ISmsMessage::GetAttachmentCount Method

Gets a count of attachments on the message.
ISmsMessage::GetBodyLength Method

Gets the length of the body count, in bytes.
ISmsMessage::GetBodyToBuffer Method

Copies the message body into a caller allocated buffer.
ISmsMessage::GetBodyToString Method

Gets the message body into a string.
ISmsMessage::GetPropertyByName Method

Gets a named property value.
ISmsMessage::GetTargetEndpoint Method

Sets the target endpoint of the message.
ISmsMessage::GetTimeout Method

Gets the message timeout, in seconds.
ISmsMessage::SetAttachmentFromBuffer Method

Sets an attachment from a byte buffer.
ISmsMessage::SetAttachmentFromFile Method

Sets an attachment from a file.
ISmsMessage::SetBodyFromBuffer Method

Sets the body of a message from a byte buffer.
ISmsMessage::SetBodyFromFile Method

Sets the body of an attachment from a file.
ISmsMessage::SetBodyFromString Method

Sets the body of an attachment from a string.
ISmsMessage::SetProperty Method

Sets a named property value.
ISmsMessage::SetTargetEndpoint Method

Sets the target endpoint of the message.
ISmsMessage::SetTimeout Method

Sets the message timeout, in seconds.


The UUID for ISmsMessage is 693675D4-CA1F-4a65-93EE-030AE4F98892.

See Also

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