The EnumerateUpdates method, in Configuration Manager, determines actionable software updates that are available for the client computer.
[IDL] HRESULT EnumerateUpdates( const ULONG ulUpdateAction, const VARIANT_BOOL bIncludeHidden, VARIANT* pvarProgress, LPICCMUpdatesCollection* ppiUpdatesCollection ); |
- ulUpdateAction
- Data type: ULONGQualifiers: [in]Update action. Possible
values are:
UPDATE_ACTION_INSTALL. This setting retrieves all updates that are available to be installed or in the process of being installed.
UPDATE_ACTION_UNINSTALL. This setting retrieves updates that are already installed and are available to be uninstalled.
Uninstall of updates through this interface is not currently supported.
- bIncludeHidden
- Data type: VARIANT_BOOLQualifiers: [in]VARIANT_FALSE to
retrieve only the updates that are available through the client
user interface.
In quiet mode, set this parameter to VARIANT_TRUE to retrieve the updates through this method.
- pvarProgress
- Data type: VARIANTQualifiers: [in, out]Pointer to an
unsigned long value within a variant indicating if any job is
currently active. Possible values are:
- ppiUpdatesCollection
- Data type: LPICCMUpdatesCollectionQualifiers: [out, retval]Pointer to an ICCMUpdatesCollection Interface object representing the collection of software updates for deployment.
Return Values
An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following:
- S_OK
- The method succeeded.
The caller uses the EnumerateUpdates method on a CCMUpdatesDeployment COM Automation Class object to determine what actionable updates are available for the client computer. These updates can then be displayed in the main updates portion of the Configuration Manager console or in another client application-specific way. For implementation instructions, see How to Enumerate Software Updates.
The caller is responsible for releasing the updates collection retrieved in the ppiUpdatesCollection parameter.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.
See Also
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