The ICCMUpdatesDeployment interface, in Configuration Manager 2007, represents a software updates deployment on a client computer. The interface inherits from IDispatch. A derived base class is CCMUpdatesDeployment COM Automation Class.

In This Section

Term Definition

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::CancelActiveDownload Method

Cancels the download for installed jobs initiated through user interface or through Configuration Manager SDK.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::EnumerateUpdates Method

Provides a collection of actionable updates.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::GetUserDefinedSchedule Method

Obtains the user-defined schedule.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::GetUserExperienceFlag Method

Gets the flag indicating the user experience mode that determines what is displayed and how software updates are received and installed on a target computer.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::InstallUpdates Method

Installs an array of software updates.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::SetUserDefinedSchedule Method

Sets the user defined schedule.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::SetUserExperienceFlag Method

Sets the flag indicating the user experience mode that determines what is displayed and how software updates are received and installed on a target computer.

ICCMUpdatesDeployment::UninstallUpdates Method

Uninstalls an array of software updates


The UUID for ICCMUpdatesDeployment is C425B271-C0FB-446f-A85D-4E285FDA99F0.

See Also

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