The following example shows how to list the maintenance windows for a specific collection by using the SMS_CollectionSettings Server WMI Class class. Maintenance windows are created by using the SMS_ServiceWindow Server WMI Class class and then stored as embedded objects in SMS_CollectionSettings instances, one per collection.

To list the maintenance windows and properties for a collection

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see About the SMS Provider in Configuration Manager.

  2. Get the existing collection settings instance by using the collection ID provided.

  3. Enumerate the existing service window objects and properties.

The example method includes additional steps, primarily to handle the overhead of dealing with the service window objects, which are stored as embedded objects in the collection settings instance.


The following example method lists the maintenance windows and properties for a collection.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Visual Basic Script  Copy Code
Sub ListMaintenanceWindowsAndPropertiesForASpecificCollection(connection, 	 _
	' Build a query to get the specified collection. 
	 collectionSettingsQuery = "SMS_CollectionSettings.CollectionID='" & targetCollectionID & "'"
	' Get the collection settings instance for the targetCollectionID.
	Set allCollectionSettings = connection.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_CollectionSettings Where CollectionID = '" & targetCollectionID & "'")  
	' If a collection settings instance doesn't exist, output a message.
	If allCollectionSettings.Count = 0 Then
		Wscript.Echo "There are no maintenance windows for collection: " & targetCollectionID

	' Get the specific collection settings instance.
	Set collectionSettingsInstance = connection.Get("SMS_CollectionSettings.CollectionID='" & targetCollectionID &"'" )

		' Populate the local array list with the existing service window objects (from the target collection).
		tempMaintenanceWindowArray = collectionSettingsInstance.ServiceWindows 

		' Enumerate through the array list to access each maintenance window object.
		For Each maintenanceWindow in tempMaintenanceWindowArray   
				Wscript.Echo "Maintenance Window Properties "
				Wscript.Echo "----------------------------- "
				Wscript.Echo "Name:			" & maintenanceWindow.Name
				Wscript.Echo "Description:	 " & maintenanceWindow.Description
				Wscript.Echo "Service Window ID: " & maintenanceWindow.ServiceWindowID
				Wscript.Echo "Schedules:		 " & maintenanceWindow.ServiceWindowSchedules
				Wscript.Echo "Is Enabled:		" & maintenanceWindow.IsEnabled
				Wscript.Echo "Type:			" & maintenanceWindow.ServiceWindowType
				Wscript.Echo " "


	End If  

End Sub
C#  Copy Code
public void ListMaintenanceWindowsAndPropertiesForASpecificCollection(WqlConnectionManager connection, 
																	string targetCollectionID)
		// Create a object to hold the collection settings instance (used to check whether a collection settings instance exists). 
		IResultObject collectionSettingsInstance = null;

		// Get the collection settings instance for the targetCollectionID.
		IResultObject allCollectionSettings = connection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery("Select * from SMS_CollectionSettings where CollectionID='" + targetCollectionID + "'");

		// Enumerate the allCollectionSettings collection (there should be just one item) and save the instance.
		foreach (IResultObject collectionSetting in allCollectionSettings)
			collectionSettingsInstance = collectionSetting;

		// If a collection settings instance, output message that there are no maintenance windows.
		if (collectionSettingsInstance == null)
			Console.WriteLine("There are no maintenance windows for collection: " + targetCollectionID);
			// Create a new array list to hold the service window objects.
			List<IResultObject> maintenanceWindowArray = new List<IResultObject>();

			// Establish connection to collection settings instance associated with the Collection ID.
			IResultObject collectionSettings = connection.GetInstance(@"SMS_CollectionSettings.CollectionID='" + targetCollectionID + "'");

			// Populate the array list with the existing service window objects (from the target collection).
			maintenanceWindowArray = collectionSettings.GetArrayItems("ServiceWindows");

			// Enumerate through the array list to access each maintenance window object and output specific properties for each object.
			foreach (IResultObject maintenanceWindow in maintenanceWindowArray)
				Console.WriteLine("Maintenance Window Properties ");
				Console.WriteLine("----------------------------- ");
				Console.WriteLine("Name:			" + maintenanceWindow["Name"].StringValue);
				Console.WriteLine("Description:	 " + maintenanceWindow["Description"].StringValue);
				Console.WriteLine("Service Window ID: " + maintenanceWindow["ServiceWindowID"].StringValue);
				Console.WriteLine("Schedules:		 " + maintenanceWindow["ServiceWindowSchedules"].StringValue);
				Console.WriteLine("Is Enabled:		" + maintenanceWindow["IsEnabled"].BooleanValue);
				Console.WriteLine("Type:			" + maintenanceWindow["ServiceWindowType"].IntegerValue);
				Console.WriteLine(" ");
	catch (SmsException ex)
		Console.WriteLine("Failed. Error: " + ex.InnerException.Message);

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description



  • Managed: WqlConnectionManager

  • VBScript: SWbemServices

A valid connection to the SMS Provider.


  • Managed: String

  • VBScript: String

The ID of the collection.

Compiling the Code

The C# example requires:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Securing Configuration Manager Applications.

See Also

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