This section provides information about using operating system deployment task sequences in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007.

In This Section

About Operating System Deployment Task Sequences

Provides information about operating system deployment in Configuration Manager 2007.
How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence

Shows how to create an operating system deployment task sequence in Configuration Manager.
How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Package

Shows how to create an operating system deployment task sequence package in Configuration Manager.
How to Read a Task Sequence from a Task Sequence Package

Shows how to read a task sequence from an operating system deployment task sequence package in Configuration Manager.
How to Enumerate the Available Operating System Deployment Task Sequences

Shows how to enumerate the available operating system deployment task sequences in Configuration Manager.
How to Add an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action

Shows how to add an operating system deployment task sequence action in Configuration Manager.
How to Delete an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action

Shows how to delete an operating system deployment task sequence action in Configuration Manager.
How to Add a Condition to an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Step

Shows how to add a condition to an operating system deployment task sequence step in Configuration Manager.
How to Enumerate the Steps in an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence

Shows how to enumerate the steps in an operating system deployment task sequence in Configuration Manager.
How to Reorder an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence

Shows how to re-order an operating system deployment task sequence in Configuration Manager.
How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Group

Shows how to create an operating system deployment task sequence group in Configuration Manager.
How to Add a Step to an Operating System Deployment Group

Shows how to add a step to an operating system deployment task sequence group in Configuration Manager.
How to Remove a Step from an Operating System Deployment Group

Shows how to remove a step from an operating system deployment task sequence group in Configuration Manager.
How to Move a Step to a Different Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Group

Shows how to move a step to a different operating system deployment task sequence group in Configuration Manager.
How to Use Task Sequence Variables in a Running Configuration Manager Task Sequence

Shows how to use task sequence variables in a running operating system deployment task sequence in Configuration Manager.
How to Set an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variable

Show how to set an operating system deployment task sequence variable in Configuration Manager.

See Also

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