To programmatically access Operations Manager data and functionality, an Operations Manager SDK client application must connect to the SDK service. The SDK Service runs on the Root Management Server in a Management Group. Connecting the SDK client to the SDK service returns a Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup object, which allows you to access other useful objects, such as alerts, events, tasks, and Management Packs.

When connecting to the SDK Service, an Operations Manager SDK client can authenticate as the current user or as a different user with specified credentials. In either case, the account that is used for authentication must be included in an Operations Manager user-role profile. All methods that are exposed by the Operations Manager SDK have a security profile that determines which user roles can access the method. In addition, some methods provide security filtering that produces different results for user profiles with limited privileges than for user profiles with unrestricted access.

If an SDK client attempts to access a method that is not allowed by the current user's profile, an Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnauthorizedAccessMonitoringException is thrown. The SDK client can handle this exception to notify users that they do not have the appropriate privileges for the requested operation.

SDK clients can connect to the SDK Service whether they are running locally on the Root Management Server or remotely on a different computer. In either case, SDK clients use the local computer's copy of the Operations Manager class libraries. When an SDK client is running on a remote computer, the SDK Service automatically handles all necessary remote calls and communication channels.

To improve client performance, the SDK Service automatically distributes a type space cache to remote client computers. This cache is initialized once per language, per service connection. The cache improves client performance by providing local access to frequently used types. By default, the SDK Service automatically maintains and updates the cache when necessary.

In This Section

How to Connect to an SDK Service by Using the Current Credentials

Demonstrates how to authenticate as the current user when connecting to the SDK Service.
How to Connect to an SDK Service by Using Specified User Credentials

Demonstrates how to authenticate as a different user when connecting to the SDK Service.

See Also

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