You can help decrease the time it takes to diagnose and resolve operating system and application errors in your organization by customizing the data that is collected in error reports by computers experiencing errors and the solution response URL for an error group. The solution response URL can point to an appropriate location in a knowledge base.
To customize client monitoring data collection and the solution response URL for an error group
Log on to the computer with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrator role for the Operations Manager 2007 management group.
In the Operations console, click the Monitoring button.
In the navigation pane, expand Monitoring, expand Agentless Exception Monitoring, and then click Error Group View.
In the Error Group View, select an entry.
In the Actions pane, click Show or Edit Error Group Properties.
In the Error Group Responses dialog box, select Custom Collection, and then click Edit.
In the Diagnostic Data Collection Configuration dialog box, specify the Files, WMI Queries, and Registry Keys you want to collect from the computers experiencing the error, and then click OK. A computer will send the specified data in an error report to the management server on the next occurrence of an error in the error group.
You can use variables, such as %ProgramFiles%, for file paths. For information about WMI, see -
In the Error Group Responses dialog box, select Custom error information, type the URL for the Custom error information, such as http://server/errors/100.htm, click Test Link, and then click OK.
See Also
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