Internet Information Services 5.0 provisioning

This topic explains the support Microsoft Provisioning System provides for provisioning Web and FTP services with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0.

Microsoft Provisioning System works with IIS 5.0 to provide automated provisioning of both shared and dedicated Web and FTP services in a multiple-tenant hosting environment. By using IIS Provider and Managed IIS namespace, Microsoft Provisioning System automatically creates Web and FTP sites. To enable Web site customers to manage their own sites and content, it also sets appropriate permissions on IIS metabase properties and content folders. In addition, Microsoft Provisioning System sets up administrator groups that are compatible with FrontPage and SharePoint Team Services administrator roles, as described in FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and SharePoint Team Services provisioning.


For more information about the folder structure and permissions settings implemented by Microsoft Provisioning System, see Internet Information Services 5.0 implementation architecture. For more information about IIS Provider, see IIS Provider. For more information about Managed IIS namespace, see Managed IIS.