Wizard pages are displayed in the UDI Wizard and collect the information required to complete the deployment process. You create wizard pages using C++ in Visual Studio. The custom wizard pages are implemented as DLLs that the UDI Wizard reads.

Each built-in UDI wizard page has a corresponding UDI wizard page editor, which you use to configure the wizard page in the UDI Wizard Designer.

In addition to the built-in UDI wizard pages, you can create custom UDI wizard pages using the UDI SDK. For more information about creating custom UDI wizard pages using the UDI SDK, see the MDT document User-Driven Installation Developers Guide.

Each wizard page can reference the following types of variables:

·     Task sequence variables

·     Memory variables

·     Environment variables

You can reference task sequence and environment variables by bracketing the variable using percent signs (%), such as %OSDImageIndex%. You can reference memory variables by bracketing the variable using dollar signs ($), such as $VolumeArchitecture$.

Note   If a task sequence variable and an environment variable both have the same name, then the task sequence variable takes precedence over the environment variable.

Table 25 lists the memory variables that are set when the UDI Wizard starts, the description of the variables, and whether the UDI Wizard reads or writes the variables during startup.

Table 25. Memory Variables Set by the UDI Wizard at Startup and Their Descriptions





Specifies the fully qualified path to the log files for the UDI Wizard. You can set this variable to one of the following values:

·     The value in the _SMSTSLogPath task sequence variable

·     The value of the %TEMP% environment variable if the _SMSTSLogPath task sequence variable is not set




Specifies the name of the UDI Wizard configuration file currently in use. The ApplicationPage wizard page reads the value of this variable to find the corresponding .app file, which contains the list of applications. For example, if the UDI Wizard configuration file is named config.xml, then the wizard page will look for the corresponding .app file (config.xml.app).




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UDI Wizard Page Reference