Custom wizard page editors are loaded as required by the UDI Wizard Designer. The UDI Wizard Designer configuration files are loaded when the UDI Wizard Designer starts. The UDI Wizard Designer scans the install_folder\Bin\Config folder (where install_folder is the name of the folder where MDT is installed) for files that have a .config file extension.

During the configuration of the UDI development environment, you copied the SamplePage.dll.confg file to the install_folder\Bin\Config folder. When you start the UDI Wizard Designer, the SamplePage.dll.confg file is found and loaded.

The UDI Wizard Designer uses the following attributes of the Page element in the SamplePage.dll.confg file to load and initialize the EditorPage example:

·     DesignerAssembly. This attribute determines the name of the DLL to be loaded. This DLL needs to be placed in the same folder as the UDIDesigner.exe file, which is the install_folder\Bin folder (where install_folder is the name of the folder in which MDT is installed).

·     DesignerType. This attribute is the Microsoft .NET type name of the class that contains the WPF user control.

·     Type. Use this attribute to configure the page type of the custom wizard page, which the UDI Wizard loads. The UDI Wizard Designer uses this attribute to locate the appropriate Page element in the UDI Wizard configuration file.

·     Dll. Use this attribute to configure the DLL element in the UDI Wizard configuration file, which the UDI Wizard Designer creates.

·     Description. Use this attribute to provide information about the wizard page editor. The value of this attribute is shown in the Add New Page dialog box in the UDI Wizard Designer, which is used to add the wizard page to the Page Library.

·     DisplayName. Use this attribute to provide the name of the custom wizard page that is displayed in the UDI Wizard Designer. The value of this attribute is shown in the Add New Page dialog box in the UDI Wizard Designer, which is used to add the wizard page to the Page Library.

In the example, the type of the SamplePage custom wizard page is Microsoft.SamplePage.LocationPage, which is saved in the Config.xml file. The Config.xml file resides in the local_folder\SDK\SamplePage\SamplePage folder to (where local_folder is the folder you created on the development computer earlier in the configuration process).

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