When the wizard page editor is loaded and initialized, the SampleEditor wizard page editor is loaded when a page with a type of Microsoft.SamplePage.LocationPage is edited. The UI for the page editor is stored in the LocationPageEditor.xaml file.

If you examine the UI on the Design tab and the code on the XAML tab, you can see the relationship between the graphical UI and the elements and attributes in the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).

For example, if you review the Controls:FieldElementControl element in the XAML you can see how that relates to the layout of the corresponding UI. Use the Controls:FieldElementControl element to define the FieldElementControl control.

The Binding parameters in the XAML file bind the fields on the sample page editor with the information in the UDI wizard configuration file. For example, the following code ties the Default value text box with the Default element in the UDI wizard configuration file (Config.xml in the example):

<TextBox Text="{Binding FieldData.DefaultValue,



For more information, see How to: Make Data Available for Binding in XAML.

Use the Views:CollectionTControl.ColumnCollectionView element in the XAML to edit the list of available locations in the grid view. You use the CollectionTControl control to display the grid view and bind the grid view to the Data element with the name Location in the UDI configuration file.

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