This is a type of validator that you can include on a page. The ID is ID_RegExValidator (defined in IValidator.h), which has a text value of "Microsoft.Wizard.Validation.RegEx."

This validator compares the contents of a text control (one that supports IStaticText) to a regular expression and fails if the text does not match the regular expression.

Alternatively, you can use this validator with a predefined named pattern. To use a regular expression, the XML must contain a setter property called Pattern. If you want to use a named pattern instead, use a setter called NamedPattern set to one of the values in Table 7.

Table 7. Named Pattern Setters




Verifies that the text is either of the form domain\user or user@domain


The name must be between 1 and 15 characters long and cannot include a set of characters (such as : and ?)


The name must be between 1 and 15 characters long and cannot contain a set of characters (such as =, +, and ?)


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