This element specifies a possible exit code for a task. The exit codes are return codes that the task expects. Create an ExitCode element for each possible exit code. Otherwise, you can specify an asterisk (*) in the Value attribute to handle return codes not listed in other ExitCode elements.

Element Information

Table 87 provides information about the ExitCode element.

Table 87. ExitCode Element Information



Number of occurrences

Zero or more within each ExitCodes element (This element is optional.)

Parent elements



At least one ExitCode element and zero or more Error elements


Element Attributes

Table 88 lists the attributes of the ExitCode element and provides a description of each.

Table 88. Attributes and Corresponding Values for the ExitCode Element




Specifies the return state of a task. The value of this attribute is displayed in the State column on the corresponding wizard page in the UDI Wizard. You can use any values for this attribute that are meaningful for your task. The following are typical values used for this attribute:

·     Success

·     Warning

·     Error


Specifies the descriptive text about the exist code of the task.


Specifies whether this element represents an error, warning, or success. The value specified in type must be unique within an ExitCodes element. The following are valid values for this element:

·     0. The element represents a success.

·     1. The element represents a warning.

·     -1. The element represents an error.


Specifies the value of the code that the task returned as a numeric value. Specifying the value of an asterisk (*) indicates the default element for return codes that are not listed in other ExitCode elements.






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