The high-level process for creating custom UDI wizard page editors is as follows:

1.   Make a copy of the SampleEditor solution as a starting point.

2.   Create the primary page editor UI in an .xaml file.

3.   Add instances of the FieldElementControl control as required by the wizard page to be configured (if required).

4.   Add instances of the SetterControl control as required by the wizard page to be configured (if required).

5.   Add instances of the CollectionTControl control as required by the wizard page to be configured (if required).

6.   Add the IDataService interface.

7.   Write the appropriate code to update the UDI Wizard configuration file based on the configuration settings to be configured using your custom wizard page editor.

8.   Create child dialog boxes in a .xaml file, and call them from the primary page editor using the IMessageBoxService interface as required by the wizard page to be configured.

9.   Add the appropriate interfaces to the UDI Wizard Designer Ribbon based on the requirements of the wizard page to be configured.

10. Build the solution.

Note   Ensure that the version of the DLL you create is the same processor platform as the installation of MDT. For example, if you install the 64-bit version of MDT, then build a 64-bit version of your custom page editor.

11. Create a UDI Wizard Designer configuration file to load the necessary DLLs and map the wizard page editor with the corresponding wizard page (the SamplePage.dll.config file in the example).

For more information about the elements required to perform the mapping between the wizard page and the wizard page editor, see the DesignerMappings element, child elements, and corresponding attributes.

12. Copy the UDI Wizard Designer configuration file that you created in the previous step to the installation_folder\Bin\Config folder (where installation_folder is the folder in which you installed MDT version).

13. Copy the DLL for your custom wizard page editor to the installation_folder\Bin folder (where installation_folder is the folder in which you installed MDT).

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