The high-level process for creating custom UDI wizard pages is as follows:

1.   Make a copy of the SamplePage solution as a starting point.

2.   Place the desired controls (fields) on the form.

3.   Write code to perform the appropriate tasks when the wizard page loads (overrides for the OnWindowCreated method), including the following steps:

a.   Initialize the form.

b.   Read memory variables, task sequence variables, environment variables, or XML file information (such as Setter properties).

4.   Write any code to perform the appropriate tasks when the page is shown (overrides for the OnWindowShown method), including the following steps:

a.   Enable or disable controls based on information read when the page loaded in step 3.

b.   Update the controls based on information read when then page loaded in step 3, such as the population of controls based on the information read.

5.   Write any code to perform the appropriate tasks while the user interacts with the wizard page.

6.   Write any code to perform the appropriate tasks when the user clicks Next in the UDI Wizard (overrides for the OnNextClicked method), including the following steps:

a.   Update any memory variables, task sequence variables, environment variables, or XML file information.

b.   Update summary page information (if not performed by the fields on the page).

7.   Build the solution.

Ensure that the version of the DLL you create is the same processor platform as the installation of MDT—specifically, the processor platform for Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). The UDI Wizard can run in:

·     The existing operating system on the target computer. You can run 32-bit versions of your wizard page on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating systems. However, you can only run 64-bit versions of your wizard page on 64-bit Windows operating systems.

·     Windows PE on the target computer. Windows PE does not support running 32-bit applications on a 64-bit version of Windows PE. So, you need to have built a version for your wizard page for each processor architecture of Windows PE that you plan to use.

8.   Copy the DLL for your custom wizard page to installation_folder\Templates\Distribution\Tools\ platform folder (where installation_folder is the folder in which you installed MDT and platform is x86 for the 32-bit version or x64 is for the 64-bit version).

9.   Complete the steps for creating custom page editor.

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