There is a set of components that you can register with the registry. The first set of components is always registered, because the main UDI Wizard executable file provides it. The other two sets of components are provided in “optional” DLLs. For these components to be available, the DLL must be listed in the DLLs section of the .config XML file. Your code does not need to know which executable contains a specific component.
The list of component IDs for components (the component name is the same as the ID but without the initial ID_) registered with the factory registry (defined in OSDSetupWizard) is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Component IDs
ID |
Description |
ID_ACPowerTask |
(ITask, IWizardComponent) A preflight task that ensures that your computer is not running on battery alone |
ID_AppDiscoveryTask |
(ITask, IWizardComponent) A specialized task for discovering which software items you have installed on your computer |
ID_BackgroundTask |
(IBackgroundTask, IWizardComponent) Can be used to run a task on another thread |
ID_CopyFilesTask |
(ITask, IWizardComponent) A task to copy one or more files |
ID_FormController |
(IFormController) You will most like not need to create an instance yourself, as your page receives its own instance |
ID_InvalidCharactersValidator |
(IValidator) Ensures that no text field contains characters from a list provided to the validator |
ID_Logger |
(ILogger) You will most like not need to create an instance yourself, as your page receives a pointer to the shared instance |
ID_NonEmptyValidator |
(IValidator) A validator that ensures that no field is empty |
ID_PasswordValidator |
(IValidator) A validator that ensures that no two text fields have the same content |
ID_Regex |
(IRegEx) Evaluates regular expressions, looking for matches |
ID_RegExValidator |
(IValidator) A validator that validates against a regular expression or a known pattern |
ID_SimpleStringProperties |
(IStringProperties, ISimpleStringProperties) Provides a simple way to send properties to tasks without using XML |
ID_ShellExecuteTask |
(ITask, IWizardComponent) Execute an external program |
ID_SummaryBag |
(ISummaryBag) Available indirectly from your page via the Form method |
ID_TaskManager |
(ITaskManager, IBackgroundCallback, IWizardComponent) Manages running a set of tasks and the UI |
ID_WmiRepository |
(IWmiRepository, IWizardComponent) Allows you to run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) queries |
ID_IXmlDocument |
(IXmlDocument) Provides a façade for reading and writing XML documents |
The defined OSDRefreshWizard.dll, shared pages, and other control components are shown in Table 4 and Table 5.
Table 4. Directory Controls
ID |
Description |
ID_Directory |
(IDirectory) A façade for obtaining directory information from the file system |
Table 5. Defined SharedPages.dll
ID |
Description |
ID_ADHelper |
(IADHelper) Provides a façade for a limited set of features in Active Directory® Domain Services (AD DS) |
ID_CpuInfo |
(ICpuInfo) Determines whether your CPU is 32 or 64 bit |
ID_DomainJoinValidator |
(IDomainJoinValidator) Has some methods for checking whether a set of credentials is allowed to join a domain |
ID_DriveList |
(IDriveList, IBindableList, IWizardComponent) Uses WMI to obtain a list of drives on your computer |
ID_WiredNetworkTask |
(ITask) A tasks that checks whether you are connected to the network with a hard-wired (instead of wireless) network adapter |
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