Use this UDI task to discover applications that are installed on the target computer.

Table 16 lists the parameters that the Application Discovery task uses.

Table 16. Parameters Used by the Application Discovery Task




This parameter specifies the fully qualified or relative path to the location of the .app file that has a list of applications for the task to discover. The .app file contains the list of available software items from which the user can select.

The Application Discovery task reads the .app file and determines whether any of these software items is installed. If a software item is installed, the item is added to the file specified in the Writecfg parameter.

Ensure that this parameter uses the same location and file name as the ApplicationPage wizard page.


This parameter specifies the fully qualified or relative path to the location of the .xml file that contains a list of the applications discovered by the task.


This parameter specifies the fully qualified or relative path to the location of the log file generated by this task. The file name of the log file is AppDiscovery.log.


In addition to the parameters in Table 16, this task uses the parameters common to all UDI tasks. For more information about these common parameters, see UDI Task Configuration Settings.

Table 17 lists the error and exit codes that the Application Discovery task generates.

Table 17. Error and Exit Codes for the Application Discovery Task

Exit or error code


Status and description



Success, which indicates that the task successfully scanned for applications



Warning, which indicates that the application discovery engine could not be run for some unknown reason



Warning, which indicates that the application discovery engine encountered one or more warnings



Warning, which indicates that critical problems were encountered while initializing the application discovery engine



Warning, which indicates that critical problems were encountered while processing the application master list


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