With the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT), you can update the license status for one or more products.

To retrieve license status, the VAMT must have administrative permissions on all selected computers and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) must be accessible through the Windows Firewall. In addition, for workgroup computers, a registry key must be created to enable remote administrative actions under User Account Control (UAC). For more information, see Configure Client Computers.

The license-status query requires a valid computer name for each system queried. If the VAMT has imported a Computer Information List (CIL) that was saved without sensitive data, no computer names will be available. Attempting to refresh status using a CIL without sensitive data will skip those computers without sensitive data. Ensure that a CIL with computer names is used to refresh status.

Update the license status of a product

  1. Open the VAMT Microsoft® Management Console snap-in.

  2. Select one or more of the products, to update their status.

  3. Right-click the products to display the context-sensitive Actions menu, or choose from the Action menu on the top menu bar, or choose from the Selected Items menu in the right-hand pane.

  4. On the menu, select Update Status and choose a credential option. Choose Alternate Credentials if you are only updating products that require administrator credentials different from the ones you are currently logged into the computer with.

  5. If you are supplying alternate credentials, at the prompt, type the appropriate user name and password and click OK.

The VAMT will display the Collecting product information dialog box while it collects the status of all selected products. When the process is finished, the updated licensing status of each product will appear in the product list view in the center pane.


If a previously discovered Microsoft Office 2010 product has been uninstalled from the remote computer, updating its licensing status will cause the entry to be deleted from the product list view, and, consequently, the total number of discovered products would be smaller. However, the Windows installation of the same computer will not be deleted and will always be shown in one of the categories under the All Products node.

See Also