Use the Import List tab in the Settings dialog box to manage the catalogs that are in the import list. Keep in mind three methods for managing these catalogs:
- New catalogs can be added by manually
providing the catalog information or having Updates Publisher find
catalogs that have been registered with Microsoft.
- Catalog information can be modified.
- Catalogs can be removed from the import
The following procedure provides the steps to manage the catalogs in the import list.
To configure the catalogs in the import list
Right-click any console tree node in the Updates Publisher console, and then click Settings to open the Settings dialog box.
On the Import List tab, configure the software updates catalog import locations. The following configuration options are available:
- Automatically check for updates to my
catalogs on startup: Specifies whether to automatically check
for newer versions of the catalogs that are in the import list when
Updates Publisher is opened. If a catalog has been modified since
it was last imported, the catalog information is displayed in the
Catalog Updates pane on the System Center Updates Publisher
start page and can be imported by clicking Import.
- Add: Opens the Add Catalog
dialog box where the information is specified for the new catalog
that will be added to the import list. Specify the path to the
catalog, the publisher name, the catalog name and description, a
URL to receive support for the catalog, whether approval of
unsigned catalogs is required, and whether to automatically flag
for publishing all updates imported from the catalog.
- Find: Opens the Discover and Add
External Catalogs dialog box, which retrieves the list of all
vendor catalogs that have been registered with Microsoft and
provides the ability to add the catalogs to the import list.
Updates Publisher 4.5 provides a proxy server credentials dialog box when the connection fails for the current user. When this dialog box displays, enter the proxy server name, port, and the user name and password for an account that has appropriate proxy server permissions. - Edit: Opens the Modify Catalog
dialog box, which allows the information for the highlighted
catalog to be modified. The path to the catalog, the publisher
name, the catalog name and description, a URL to receive support
for the catalog, whether approval of unsigned catalogs is required,
and whether to automatically flag for publishing all updates
imported from the catalog settings can be modified.
- Remove: Deletes the highlighted
software updates catalog file from the import list. This action
removes the catalog from the import list only and does not remove
the software updates that have previously been imported from the
- Remove All: Deletes all software
updates catalog files from the import list. This action removes the
catalogs from the import list only and does not remove the software
updates that have previously been imported from the catalogs.
- Automatically check for updates to my
catalogs on startup: Specifies whether to automatically check
for newer versions of the catalogs that are in the import list when
Updates Publisher is opened. If a catalog has been modified since
it was last imported, the catalog information is displayed in the
Catalog Updates pane on the System Center Updates Publisher
start page and can be imported by clicking Import.
Click OK to exit the Settings dialog box.
See Also
How to Add Catalogs to the Import ListHow to Automatically Check for Updated Catalogs
How to Discover and Import External Catalogs
Add/Edit Catalog Dialog BoxDiscover and Add External Catalogs Dialog Box
Modify Catalog Dialog Box
Settings Dialog Box
Updates Publisher Start Page