Use the following procedure to publish software updates to an update server.
To publish software updates
In the Updates Publisher console tree, select System Center Updates Publisher, <vendor name>, or <product name>.
Right-click the selected console tree node, and then click Publish Update(s).
On the Summary page, click Next to publish the updates.
The Progress page displays the status and progress while publishing the software updates. The Confirmation page displays a summary of the configured properties for the software updates that were published. If an error occurred during the publishing process, the error message displays in the properties pane.
Click Close to exit the wizard.
See Also
How to Configure the Update ServerHow to Remove Trusted Publishers
How to Set the Publish Flag for Software Updates
Catalog Validation - Security Warning Dialog BoxSettings Dialog Box
About the Publish WizardOther Resources
Managing Updates Publisher SettingsPublish Wizard
Publishing Software Updates