In this sample scenario, you will import a custom management pack that extends the data warehouse so you can manage projectors in your organization. This will allow you to use a custom projector form to enter information about projectors.
The Directly Authoring a Management Pack File to Manage Projectors topic describes how to create the custom management pack, which is referred to in this scenario.
The projector sample scenario includes the following steps:
- Step 1: Import the management packs that define the new
projector configuration item class.
- Step 2: Populate the database with information about the
projectors that you want to manage.
- Step 3: Create the List of Projectors report, which displays
all the projector configuration items that you have previously
- Step 4: View the List of Projectors report in the Service
Manager console.
Step1: To import the management packs that define the new projector configuration item class
Copy the following files:
- New_CI_lab.dll
And then, paste the files in your Service Manager installation folder.
For example, paste the files to the following location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010.
Follow these steps to import the file:
- In the Service Manager console, click
- In the Administration pane, click Management
- In the Tools pane, double-click Import Management
- In the Select Management Pack to Import dialog box,
select the MP files(*.mp) file type option, select the file, and then click
- In the Import Management Packs dialog box, click
- Wait for the import success message, and then click
- In the Service Manager console, click
Import the file by following the same steps.
Depending on your configuration, the import of a management pack might take half an hour.
Step2: To create configuration items in the database for the projectors that you want to manage
Close and then reopen the Service Manager console.
In the Service Manager console, click Configuration Items.
In the Configuration Items pane, expand Projectors, and then select All Projectors.
In the Tasks pane, click Create Projector.
Enter information about a projector in the projector form, and then click Submit and Close.
In the Serial Number field, make sure that you enter only numbers; otherwise, the submission fails. -
Repeat this procedure for several projectors.
Step3: To create the List of Projectors report
After you import the management packs in the previous procedures, ensure that the dimension has deployed successfully. To do this, run the following SQL query on the data warehouse management server, and verify that the query runs without any error.
Copy Code
SELECT * FROM DWDataMart.dbo.ProjectorDim
On the data warehouse management server, start SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. To do this, click Start, click Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and then click SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.
In SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, click File, point to New, and then click Project.
In the New Project dialog box, select Report Server Project Wizard in the Visual Studio installed templates list, and then click OK.
Complete the Report Wizard as follows:
- On the Welcome page, click Next.
- On the Select the Data Source page, click
- In the Connection Properties dialog box, select the data
warehouse in the Server Name box, and select the SCDM
database in the Select or enter a database name box.
- Select Test Connection, and then click OK in the
Test results dialog box.
- In the Connection Properties dialog box, click
- On the Select the Data Source page in the Report Wizard,
select Make this a shared data source, and then click
- On the Welcome page, click Next.
On the Design the Query page, click Query Builder.
On the Query Designer page, click the Add Table icon.
In the Add Table dialog box, select the ProjectorDim, ProjectorOwnedByUserFact, and the UserDim tables, click Add, and then click Close.
Drag the ProjectorOwner_UserDimKey field from the ProjectorOwnedByUserFact table into the UserDimKey field in the UserDim table.
In the ProjectorDim table, select the following fields: Make, Model, SerialNumber, Location and Condition.
In the UserDim table, select the Email field.
All selected fields should now display in the Grid pane.
In the Query Designer click OK.
In the Report Wizard, click Next.
On the Select the Report Type page, select Tabular, and then click Next.
On the Design the Table page, select all the fields that are listed under Available fields. To do this, press the CTRL and select each field.
Click Details, and then click Next.
On the Choose the Table Style page, select a color, and then click Next.
On the Choose the Deployment Location page, leave the default Report server value. In the Deployment folder box, type Microsoft.SystemCenter.Reporting.Folder.ServiceManager/ServiceManager.Console.Reporting.ConfigurationManagement, and then click Next.
On the Completing the Wizard page, type List of Projectors in the Report name box, and then click Finish.
Click Build, and then click Deploy Report <report name>.
Step4: To view the List of Projectors report in the Service Manager console
On the Service Manager management server, open the Service Manager console.
In the Service Manager console, click Reporting.
In the Reporting pane, click Configuration Management.
In the Configuration Management pane, select the List of Projectors report.
In the Tasks pane, click the Execute Report task.
View the report.