By updating the properties of an ISO image, answer file, or script that is stored in the VMM library, you can assign an owner, a description, or, in unusual circumstances, a new path to the resource in Virtual Machine Manager.
In Library view, select the ISO image, answer file, or script that you want to update.
In the Actions pane, under the resource type, click Properties.
Optionally enter an owner and description. The owner must be a valid Active Directory domain account.
Use the Browse button if you need to associate a different file with an existing library resource in VMM. For example, if you accidentally deleted a file that is associated with virtual machines or templates, or the file became corrupted, you might use this field to associate a replacement file with the existing library resource.
For the most up-to-date Help information, go to the Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Help Online. To find additional Virtual Machine Manager 2008 documentation, go to the Virtual Machine Manager 2008 TechCenter Library.