When Ken works with a compliance change request, he needs to easily access the Active Directory Users and Computers administrative tool.
To make it easy to access the tool, Ken creates a new task, Start Active Directory Users and Computers. He saves this task to the Woodgrove Automated Activity – Add Computer To Group management pack. He can later use the new task to start the tool.
The following procedure provides the high-level steps you need to complete in the Service Manager console. For more information about how to create a new task, see How to Create a Task (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=199207) in the Service Manager Administrator’s Guide.
To create a new task
Specify the task name: Start Active Directory Users and Computers.
Specify the target class: Change Request.
Specify the management pack in which to save this customization: Service Manager Change Management Configuration Library.
Specify the display category for the task: Change Management Folder Tasks.
Specify the command: %systemroot%\system32\mmc.exe.
Specify the parameters: dsa.msc.
Clear the Show output when this task is run check box.