In this final procedure of the Woodgrove Bank customization scenario for System Center Service Manager 2010, Ken tests the new change request process and uses all its related customized objects. Ken creates a compliance change request to add the new ADComputer1 computer to the GP_AUTHAPPS Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) group. Ken follows the process in the Service Manager console as it changes status while progressing from the first activity to the next.
To create a compliance change request
Start the Active Directory Users and Groups tool by using the Start Active Directory Users and Computers task. Note that it does not contain the ADComputer1 computer which you are about to add.
In the Service Manager console, click Work Items, and then in the Work Items pane, expand Change Management.
In the Tasks pane, click Create Change Request, and then select Apply AppLocker Software Policy to Computer. In the change request form, note the icon that was previously added.
On the General tab, in the Name box, type New Compliance Change Request and set Area to Compliance.
Click the Activities tab, and in the Process activities area, open the Add Computer to Group activity.
On the activity form page, in the Computer name box, type ADComputer1. Click OK on the Activity form, and then click OK on the Change form.
In the Change Management pane, expand Change Management, and then click Compliance Change Requests. Wait approximately 10 to 20 seconds until the new change request appears in the Compliance Change Requests View pane. (You might have to refresh the view).
Use the Start AD Users and Computers task to start the Active Directory Users and Computers tool. In the tool, create the GP_AUTHAPPS group. (In the previous steps in the scenario, you configured the change request process to add computers to this group.) When the state of the change request changes to In Progress, open it, select the Review Activity: Approve Change Request activity, and approve it. Then, click Submit and Close.
Wait approximately 5 to 10 seconds, and notice that the status of the activity changed to Completed. Also notice that the status of the next activity has changed to In Progress, which means that the second activity has started to run. The activity rule has been triggered, and the custom workflow has started.
To check the status of the AddComputerToADGroupWF workflow, select Administration, in the Administration pane, expand Workflows and select Status. In the Status pane, click AddComputerToADGroupWF.
Use the Start AD Users and Computers task to start the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, and notice that the GP_AUTHAPPS Active Directory group now contains the new ADComputer1 computer. At this point, any policies that are configured to be applied to computers in this Active Directory group applies to the computer that was added.
Notice that the status of the automated activity has now also changed to Completed, due to the last step in the AddComputerToADGroupWF workflow.
Start Microsoft Outlook and locate the e-mail notification that was sent to the process manager about the new computer that was added to the Active Directory group.