This sample scenario describes how to apply simple customizations to a default form. In this scenario, you customize the Incident form which is the default form for interacting with incidents. You customize the form in the Authoring Tool and then save the customized form in a new management pack. Then, in the Service Manager console, you import this new management pack. Afterwards, whenever you create or view an incident, Service Manager displays the customized form. The Incident form, System.WorkItem.Incident.ConsoleForm, is defined in the Service Manager Incident Management Library management pack.
The sample scenario for customizing the default Incident form consists of three steps.
Step 1: View the Default Incident Form
Before you customize the form, view the default form in the Service Manager console and identify elements on the form that you want to customize. For example, you can plan to rearrange various text boxes on the form.
To view the default incident form
In the Service Manager console, click Work Items.
In the Work Items pane, click Incident Management.
In the Tasks pane, click Create Incident.
Review the Incident form. This form is the form that you use to create and view incidents. You can identify elements in the form that you might want to customize.
Step 2: Customize the Default Incident Form
Use the following procedure to customize the default Incident form in the Authoring Tool.
To customize the Incident form
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft System Center, point to Service Manager 2010 Authoring, and then click Service Manager Authoring Tool.
In the Authoring Tool, click File, and then click New.
In the New Management Pack dialog box, in the File name box, type MyIncidentFormCustomizations, and then click Save.
Note that the MyIncidentFormCustomizations management pack is now listed in the Management Pack Explorer.
In the Form Browser pane, locate, and then right-click the System.WorkfItem.Incident.ConsoleForm form, which is the default Incident form, and click View.
Note that the Service Manager Incident Management Library management pack, which contains the default Incident form, is now listed in the Management Pack Explorer.
In the authoring pane click Customize.
In the Target Management Pack dialog box, select MyIncidentFormCustomizations, and then click OK.
Wait for the authoring pane to display the form that you are customizing. You can now add controls such as a Label, a Text Box, or an Image to the form. Ensure that the Details window is open and visible, so you can browse and modify properties of the controls.
In the Management Pack Explorer, right-click MyIncidentFormCustomizations, and then click Save.
Exit the Authoring Tool.
Step 3: Use the Customized Default Incident Form
Use the following procedure to view and use the customized Incident form in the Service Manager console.
To use the customized System.WorkItem.Incident.ConsoleForm form
Start the Service Manager console, and then click Administration.
In the Administration pane, click Management Packs.
In the Tasks pane, click Import.
In the Select Management Packs to Import dialog box, click the MyIncidentFormCustomizations.xml management pack file. Click Open.
In the Import Management Packs dialog box, click Import, wait for the management pack to be imported, and then click OK.
Click Incidents, and then, in the Tasks pane, click Create Incident.
Note that the Incident form that is displayed is your customized form.
Fill in the form, and then save the incident.